Monday, September 27, 2010

Little Things

There are a lot of little things in Japan that are blessings, or not, or just some things that are just plain confusing.
One of the differences about Japan that continues to confuse me is...which side of the road I should walk on. Of course I should be walking against the flow of traffic, though I have to keep reminding myself, consciously, where I should be walking. It is difficult to get the "drive, walk, etc. on the Right" out of my system.
One of the things that is a real blessing is the many Japanese people here who have gone out of their way to help me, in public situations, such as finding my house when I got off at the wrong train stop. If kindness in people here was measured in trees, we could build houses all the way up to the moon! On this one day a lady walked with me for at least 15 minutes, on her own free will, until I saw my familiar neighborhood. Today a lady left her post at her job to help me again as well. The thing is that they are so genuinely happy to help, and don't expect anything in return.

The doctrine of kindness through service at restaurants is also seen. The food is great to begin with and the waiters and waitresses are kind enough to leave you alone to enjoy yourself and your party. When you are ready for the bill, just ask. Sometimes it comes to you with your meal. Oh, by the way, you don't tip. The service charge is included in the price of he meal.

Ok, one annoying thing about life in Japan...I've thought about this for a little while: what is an annoying thing? Most people aren't fluent in English? I have to sort my garbage into four different categories, removing caps and labels? The biggest little thing I can think of is how vocally conservative people are here. Please refrain from hysterical laughter in public unless you are in a Karaoke parlor. I won't talk about the (non)/looks I've gotten with my friends in the grocery store, bus stop, Joyful (our favorite eatery). In places where you would expect verbal explosions in the nosebleed section at games...or in any closer section for that matter, (deep inhale through teeth) just don't exist. Cheering for a team is done by all, everyone says the same thing and does the same kind of dance, clap or chant.

Japan is very kind and seems to run the wrong way and although life is rather good here, sometimes, I do want to scream.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My first blog day

Today is day 50 in Japan!
The time has really flied by, and I experience new adventures everyday here in Kitakyushu. Here is a little background on my place, and daily life.
I moved to Kitakyushu on the 4th of August after a 3 day Japanese Exchange and Teaching Program orientation in Tokyo, Japan. It is a rural area and the demographic ethnicity breakdown in my neighborhood finds foreign ethnicities rather few and far between. The weather here for the past six weeks have been extremely hot and humid. Thankfully, when I moved into my apartment in the 40 year old teachers' housing building (jutaku) there was a brand new AC already hooked up. Here in he jutaku are seven other English-speaking foreigners. Six of them are teachers. Other renters here are Japanese people that work in schools in he area.
I teach at two high schools, contracted out from JET by the Fukuoka BOE.
This past week was the first week for me to teach all of my regular classes for the first time, because of beginning of school-term testing and Sports day, which I can discuss at another time. The academic level of the high schools are considered as "middle" to "lower". On a regular week, I teach 12 classes. I am required to assist teachers in three other classes upon their request. The teachers are very nice and helpful at bob of he schools. Most of the students that I teach are very interested in English, although their speaking ability is minimal.
I am going to take a Japanese correspondence course which is offered through JET starting next month. I know enough Japanese to get by and I am using Kotoba, a Japanese dictionary application for iPhone, to learn/translate new words.

All in all, I feel like I am finally getting situated here in my 54.21m2 place. There is a grocery store within walking distance and Kokura station, a popular dining/shopping area and transportation hub only 20 minutes away by bus. I have survived a centipede bite, a typhoon and headaches from not understanding the Japanese way of life. Thank you for your prayers and I look forward to writing more, and hearing from you soon!

Love and God bless.