Monday, March 14, 2011

The situation in Kyushu

Last Friday, March 11th, there was a massive earthquake that hit Japan, mainly affecting the island of Honshu.
I live on Kyushu, which is the southern island, so I thankfully, was not affected in anyway, though I morn for the injuries and lost lives. It seems like most people who live on the island of Kyushu also have family living close by. So, when I talk to my neighbors or teachers at school, they say that their families are safe. I've seen the Salvation Army and the Red Cross collecting donations in the area where I live. Many, many local residents have already given blood. So far as I know, monetary donations to agencies that are helping the situation is the best thing to do.

Thousands of people are living without electriciy now in the northern areas of Japan. I am very thankful for friends and the blessings of warmth, food and shelter. I still feel extremely minute tremblings at night, as I did before the earthquake and tsunami last week. It is important to pray, read my Bible and to be thankful. That's what is helping me stay positive and focused right now.

1 comment:

  1. Good to find you on the net!

    I know Kyushu was not affected by the initial earth quake and tsunami, but I keep tabs on it.

    We used to live in Kitakyushu (Wakamatsu-ku) and were there during the Kobe earth quake in 1995. Had spent three years in the JET program.

    Please post again when you can.
