Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Countdown

Hello everyone, its sad but true. I am planning to leave Japan in about two weeks.
(This year was really amazing!) I am in the process of saying goodbye. Friday was my first goodbye to one high school and yesterday I said goodbye to the other one. Although I feel like I could live here and I plan to come back one day, I know it's time to go. Most every one here has been so kind to me. With an exception of a stalker and someone wanted to abduct me at the monorail (I think).

With the summer heat, I am trying to drink water to stay cool. Some people here also eat salt by itself. I don't know if this notion holds much weight. I'm trying to keep my apartment cool with A/C and spray it to prevent mukades and other nasty things away. The good things I am inviting are some friends over tonight to study the W0rd.

I hope to visit Osaka next week, since when I met people from there while in the states, they were always the genki-est.

It's a good idea to take extra time off from work at the end of living somewhere to establish closure...also to visit new places and make some final memories. I recommend "Le cafe" by the Mojiko Train Station. It's operated by a sweet older man from Britain and it has the best yaki-curry EVER.

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